Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Tuesday has been boycotted.
If that's a word.

First (or second, if you count my garish nails) is my yarn web.
Clearly these attempts will be confined to my own yard until the quality improves somewhat.

And then there was chalk...

Happy Tuesday!


It's Tuesday, and once again, it's been raining.
It's like a rain dance - this plan to play with sidewalk chalk.
But I have an alternative, which unfortunately can't be implemented for a few more hours.
In the meantime I have violent orange nails and the beginnings of my Draw Things illustration to tide you over...

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Today I was going to boycott Tuesday.

Plan the First was to sidewalk chalk all over my work.
Except it's raining - all day yesterday and today.

Plan the Second was to decorate my neighbors car with paper cranes...
...except my neighbor killed my asparagus plants (and I'm resentful), and I left the paper cranes I made at work anyway.

Instead, I finished and varnished a painting, made fish tacos, ate some mint chocolate chip ice cream, and discovered that frozen stawberries are much more amazing than ice will ever be.
Especially in whiskey.
Also in champagne.

So there, Tuesday. I fie on you! And all of your Tuesday-ness!

Saturday, March 17, 2012


Last night was the first Raqs Boheme, a monthly third Friday bellydance show I'm now running. My friend Bellatrix - hair and makeup genius - came out and after the show we got to talking about the importance of stage makeup, and pondering as to why more dancers, especially in the Midwest, didn't get it.

It's an odd phenomenon; and while it's not universal, it's common enough to be noticed. A fear of too much. And here's the thing - it's very hard to wear too much, especially for a bellydance performance; particularly when it comes to a bellydance performance on a stage. And there are two key factors in this.
#1 - Your audience is not right up on you. There's usually a good amount of distance when your elevated on a stage, which automatically makes facial features a little fuzzy.
#2 - Stage lights WASH YOU OUT.

A great example, below is a video of my performance at Gothic Prom in St. Louis this past January. You'll notice that while you can see my face - eyes nose, mouth - it's not overblown and overdramatic. 
I'm visible, but I don't look like a scary Elvira.

And here's a photo, closer up, shortly after with friend and Genius Photog Carrie Meyer. You can see a little better how much makeup I was actually wearing, and in all honesty I should have been wearing more.
So very crudely and simply - no, you're not wearing too much makeup. That's a really hard thing to do. Really hard. You can put it on strangely, or sloppily, or bizarrely...or just wrong - but too much?
No. Not likely.

So if you're in the Midwest, or willing to travel to Kansas City - you had really ought to take Bella's makeup class at Warrior Weekend on April 21st. It's an amazing informative class full of great technique and advice for the novice as well as the expert. And it's only 18 dollars.

Coincidentally, I'm teaching the same day, later in the afternoon - Modus Operandi, which I quickly described last night as "Practice technique and emotional whodoo."

That's right. Emotional Whodoo.

And now back to our regularly scheduled corned beef and green beer...

Thursday, March 15, 2012


I'm am in the middle of prepping for a very large picture infused post about the first ever Raqs Bohéme tomorrow.
And cooking eggplant and colcannon. Not together though. Just cooking them. Baking really, the eggplant I mean. And working on zucchini. But...

Pictures and hopefully video!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Tuesday here seems to be the one day when horrible things are bound to happen. We call it the Theory of Tuesday. But sometimes it's tricky, and if you're not working a 5 day week, Tuesday sometimes surfaces on Wednesday too.
Oh Tuesday, how do we loathe thee...

Hate Tuesdays? Join me in boycott!

Friday, March 9, 2012


Art and Fear

Yesterday I finished rereading Art and Fear.
This book.....essential - to any and every Maker. Visual Artist, Writer, Dancer, Musician....Essential.

It's an almost impossible book to write about - read the reviews on Amazon. They say it all better than I could... If you were to pick up my copy - it's battered and splattered with paint, and written in all over.
But essential.

From the first chapter, which you can read free on Amazon if you have a Kindle:
  • Artmaking involves skills that can be learned. ...In large measure becoming an artist consists of learning to accept yourself, which makes your work personal, and in following your own voice, which makes your work distinct.
  • Art is made by ordinary people. ...our flaws and weaknesses, while often obstacles to our getting work done, are a source of strength as well.
  • Making art and viewing art are different at their core. ...To all viewers but yourself, what matters is the product: the finished artwork. To you, and you alone, what matters is the process: the experience of shaping that artwork.
  • Artmaking has been around longer than the art establishment. ...the current view equating art with "self-expression" reveals more a contemporary bias in our thinking than an underlying trait of the medium. Even the separation of art from craft is largely a post-Renaissance concept, and more recent still is the notion that art transcends what you do, and represents what you are.
  Now go - pick up your copy. It's worth the money and the time.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


I'm mailing my piece for the 4x6 Exchange 2 today.
I can't wait to see what I get in return!

Signups are full, but Art House Coop has a few other open projects you can sign up for still. I highly recommend it!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Last Saturday Dharma and I went to the Foundry before her gig. We both love the Foundry - excellent food which they serve until 1am, and they have a fairly decent glutard-friendly menu (to borrow Nanda's term) although they do not have a dedicated kitchen.
Because nobody has a dedicated kitchen.
It's a risk I take every time I eat out. Sometimes it works out; other times, not so much. Especially when it comes to fried food. I know better. I do. But we were out and I wasn't even hungry, but Dharma was eating and I thought it'd be nice to have something to snack on, and I was craving salt, and I ordered a side of tots.
A side.
A small plate.
If I could have ordered 5 tots I would have.

But I guess the waiter, bless him, thought I was starving or something, and he brought me the giant plate of tots.
The comfort food of my generation.

So of course I ate almost all of them.
Not because I was hungry. Because they were sitting there right in front of me.
 This is a giant plate. It was covered with a mountain of tots. And they went to live in my belly.

And of course Dharma and I had to make tot-art from the leftovers. Meet Totter McDoom-instein - so named for the reaction my system had to his gluten contaminated deliciousness. 

Will I go back to the Foundry?
Yes, of course I will. They have what is probably the best gluten free pizza in Kansas City. 
But in the future I probably ought to avoid the tots.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Saturday night I was engaged by my good friend Dharma to accompany her to a party she was dancing at. It's a system we have, mostly for safety, where we partner up if we're free just in case. Nothing has ever happened, but better to be slightly paranoid in our opinion, than regret it later.
Before we headed to the party we stopped for a bite to eat - the adventures of which will be related later.
But at the party...

It was one of those fortunate situations where I got to watch a fellow dancer and professional perform, completely removed from the situation. I was back and out of the way, attempting to watch the party guests rather than Dharma's dancing and one thing hit me really hard during her sets.
We are no longer in an age where you can goof up a performance without consequences.

By the second set, almost everyone at the party had their iPhone out, taking pictures and video of what she was doing, and posting said images here and there in real time. Fortunately Dharma is a beautiful dancer, and there were no costume malfunctions or floor obstacles to trip her up, but had anything happened it would have been immediately available for public consumption to her detriment.
This is something to think about very carefully, especially for novice dancers trying to get out there and get experience. What you do is very likely going to end up on the interwebs, and will be viewed not just by your local dance community but potentially internationally. Most seasoned dancers who spent any amount of time on when it was a popular networking site are familiar with the Armoire Awards - a now defunct group inspired by a particular YouTube video in which a girl manages to topple an armoire on top of herself. These kinds of videos are common - someone is trying to do something cool, has a horrible accident, and it inevitably ends up online. And if you're really unlucky it ends up on Tosh.0

Something about our voyeuristic culture is just obsessed with these hilarious accidents....and cute cat videos. And hamsters.

So just a small word of caution to dancers out there, especially you prepared. And if you're new to performing really think before you accept a dance job.  It's going to end up online.
Especially if you fall off the stage.

Friday, March 2, 2012


Last month I cheated horribly to win the Draw Things thing. Then I got to pick the topic for this months Draw Things. I went with:
Bees: Masters of Time and Space

Today was the submission day. I diverged from my usual inkwork and went 100% digital. Here's what I came up with...

Thursday, March 1, 2012


I've got two paintings to work on and finish in the next two weeks, 7 different dance pieces to drill, two separate workshops to refine...

March is going to be interesting.

And in the meantime, I'm drinking rum from a teacup.

Painting the First - for Middle of the Map Fest.

Painting the Second - for "Through the Looking Glass" in St. Louis.

Meanwhile, I'm also working on a blog post about how awesome Kansas City is. Stay tuned...

[EDITEDtoADD]: ...and I have to finish my 4x6 project, and start and finish my Draw Things challenge by noon today (Friday), and the Mister has informed me we have to have a "Getting Married" meeting, which I've been desperately avoiding...