Friday, December 21, 2012


I'm home from a really great Raqs Bohéme show, listening to a bunch of Doctor Who remixes I've collected; and it's great.
Really really great!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

.freezing fog.

It is disgusting outside.

And what the hell is freezing fog?

And this is part of why I don't plan on leaving the house for a week after Saturday.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

.not quite a time lord.

A friend recently asked which of the perfumes I'd been brewing was the most popular - an easy question to answer considering the responses.
River Song. Without a doubt.

Something about the mixture of tangerine and vanilla is simply alluring while at the same time evoking childhood memories of fun and feeling safe - kind of an oxymoron, but what can I say? It's true.
Appropriately enough, Silence in the Library follows in a close second - though I suspect Petrichor and Eleven may overtake them both sooner than later.

And now back to our regularly scheduled "being overwhelmed by the holidays."

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


This might be the most amazing thing ever created by mankind.
Not only has Nike made a pair of "dance" shoes that look good - it looks like the functionality of them might be amazing.
I've struggled with the whole "dance shoe" thing for a long time. Mostly I just hate shoes for dancing in. One of my first teachers had everyone pick up ballet shoes so noone would be dancing barefoot - I bought two different pairs and was nothing but uncomfortable in either. Apparently I use my toes a lot to grip the floor when I'm dancing - the loss of that adds to my normal clumsiness which really doesn't need any assistance at all.
Then I found Foot Undiez - which were almost great, except my home dance space has always been carpeted and carpet destroys them. And they don't' always stay in place wonderfully for spins, and I do a lot of spinning.
I've used character shoes when I was in a situation when I had to wear something (like a restaurant or on scary pavement) but still.....wobbly and uncomfortable.
So mostly it's barefoot.

Unfortunately, at 110$ the Nike Studio Wrap is currently outside of my budget. But since they probably won't be available for purchase until Spring 2013 - I have time to save some dollars.
Someday, they will be mine!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


I picked up a new book the other day.
Literally picked it up off the floor in my studio. Turns out it's one of my husbands books from his art teacher in high school, and it probably accidentally migrated when I was moving bookshelves from his studio to another room.
This book is an art book, philosophy-ish, and probably a little out of date in terms of the fine arts world - but very possibly totally relevant to what's going on in the bellydance world right now. One paragraph has hit me particularly hard:

"Some artists have taken offense at what I write because it doesn't appear to validate what they are doing; but a paradigm shift can't occur without the consequences to the way we see and do things, and the uprooting of accustomed habits of thinking often has uncomfortable personal consequences. Condemnation of the ways that our society, as currently structured, fails to provide any context for a socially or morally sensitive art is easier, and less likely to demand a change of consciousness, than the more formidable effort of trying to construct a new vision and put it into practice. It is not part of our legacy to view ourselves as powerful agents of change; however, we are being confronted with the necessity of transforming our old modes of understanding if we are to survive the predicaments that are our collective fate right now."
-Suzi Gablik, The Reenchantment of Art

I really look forward to reading the rest of this little monster.