Wednesday, May 28, 2014

.just in case.

Just in case you didn't get the memo - the etsy shop is closing this afternoon! I'm going on a trip. Get your orders in before I shut that thing down!!!

I'll still be available for questions through Thursday.
Then I'm on a boat!

Hopefully I won't get ate by sharks.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

.things of recently.

Oh jeez...I feel like I'm coming out from under a giant rock of hide-y-ness.
Or escaping a pool of quicksand.
Which, if you Google quicksand, will turn up a bazillion images of ladies with giant boobs. Come on interwebz. Why are you obsessed with killing the ladies with big boobs?
You are all a bunch of weirdos.

Lots of things have happened, and not happened.

Warrior weekend - working on a post about the class I taught; and also there was dancing. This was my first partner piece in a really really long time and it was so nice to Do That Thing. I'm still not ready for another troupe, but more partner work with more other dancers may be in the near future.

I dove headfirst into fixing my dancing from the bottom up. Things have been bothering me for a bit now and so I've started taking classes from both AmyJo and Melody, and in a few weeks I'll be taking some Irish Ceili classes for fun and exercise. Both AmyJo's and Melody's classes are FANTASTIC. I cannot recommend them highly enough as thoughtful competent amazing teachers who will fix your shit!

Adventures in Adventures. I chopped off all of my hair again, and I found a fancy new phone case inside my old beat up phone case through phone case archeology.

It's all fancy and lenticular-tastic.

And my cat attempted to assassinate my computer. Still waiting to see if she will make a full recovery. The computer I mean. The cat is fine and continues to rule the house with the iron paw of Catism.
Cats are jerks, in case you hadn't caught onto that yet.
Also, I don't have cancer!
Which was a possibility. 

Next Week: I'm on a Boat!!!

Friday, May 23, 2014

.coming soon...

Larger scent sizes - Really Fancy Labels!!!

All custom illustrations, by me, printed on really nice paper and Hand Colored, so each a little unique and custom piece of art.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

.perfume FAQ and Notifications.

• Are your perfumes all natural?
Unfortunately no. Several of my scents contain small amounts of synthetic fragrance, a few contain larger amounts, and some contain none at all. The following fragrances can be made All Natural by special request (there will be a small upcharge):
 - Silence in the Library
 - Harkness
 - River Song
 - Siren
 - Kitsune
 - Succubus
 - Moss
 - Druid
 - Flora
• Do you ship to     (insert your forgein country)   ?
If your country is not on the available shipping options message me so that I can research shipping prices. Please keep in mind however that overseas shipping is expensive and Slow - it can take up to 6 weeks without even considering Customs and your patience is so very much appreciated!
Also, I'm not responsible for taxes or duties once your order arrives - I don't know what your tax system is (I barely know how the US tax system works) so you might research that before ordering to take into consideration the full cost.

• Why didn't I get a shipping notification?
I forgot. I try to send them out with every order, and I try to remember to mark items as shipped as I ship them; but sometimes life gets a little chaotic and I'm so proud of myself for getting to the post office it slips my mind. But if you're concerned - please message me! I'd rather reassure you that your item has been shipped than have you fretting at home over the potential unreliability of an etsy seller you haven't worked with before.
I've been there - my items never came, I never got a refund. I was sad, then angry, then sad.
I promise not to do that to you.

• Why didn't I get a free sample with my order?
Because I never promised to give you one. That sounds rude, but it's true.

I like to include little extras with all orders. Sometimes it's toys, sometimes it's fragrance samples, sometimes it's lotion samples; sometimes I'm overwhelmed by life and it's nothing at all. And if it is fragrance samples, it's my choice (usually something new), not yours. This has rubbed people the wrong way a few times, but I never promised you anything at all. I try to be consistent. I'm not.
I am a mere mortal of the exhausted variety.
Because I have three jobs. Which is sad.

• How do I make the fragrance last longer?
I recommend applying your fragrance oil to clean, moisturized (unscented lotion) skin. Reapplication is going to be necessary - four hours seems to be the longest any of these scents last. (mostly) Natural perfumes are like that.
Also - see these handy tips via Free People Blog - particularly number 2!

• This smells awful on me, but great on my friend/relative/roommate. Why?
Another pitfall(?) of natural fragrances - they are much more reactive to your natural body chemistry, and they will smell differently on different people. Also make sure you've warmed the oil and given it a good shake before applying - some scents separate as they cool. This is natural, but will cause the fragrance to smell radically different than it's supposed to.
I really really recommend getting a small sample vial before ordering a larger size - there's plenty in there for several applications, and you can see if you really like it before you put a lot of money in.

• These sample vials are really tiny, hard to open and kind of expensive. What's up with that?
I'm sorry if you're disappointed. Tiny is the size (they are samples after all, and it's an industry standard sample size) and hard to open means they're not going to spill during shipping or in your purse or pocket. And the price is the price. The ingredients aren't inexpensive - neither is the packaging, and I spend a lot of time hand decorating all of those little boxes. Watch out for coupon codes and special sales (I post them here on occasion) and order with friends to save on shipping - or split samples and share your fandoms with friends!

• Do you do mixed boxes of scents?
Absolutely! Just send me a convo message through etsy and I'll set you up with a special listing and a specially decorated box.
Got a question? Ask!