I have roughly 42 videos to edit this week and get out to a number of local dancers. I have to do it this week because I'll have 16 more by the end of next week and I'd like to breathing room in there to detox.
I also have to (with my sun and Stars assistance) clean the entire house, because my parents are coming to visit this coming weekend. I'd have started that already (because with all of the costume creation for Halloween the two of us made quite the mess) but i spent most of last week with a 100 degree fever and was not moving more than absolutely necessary - which included working a lot of overtime for my day job which I would very much like to not work at anymore thankyou very much.
In addition to getting out perfume orders, finishing up the two final Sherlock Holmes scents (
Moriarty and
the Woman) and working on my own dance pieces(3) for two weeks from now - Raqs Bohéme, the Surprise show. We weren't going to be doing a November show, but the owner asked so nicely and I'm still incapable of saying no when people ask so nicely.
And I still haven't worked on that Evil Mermaid painting (the painting is evil, not the mermaid - in theory) which I had maybe ought to touch before my parents get here since it's for my godmother whose my mom's best friends and...
Aside from some already pre-loaded Sketchbook posts, I will be gone until all of this clears up.
And then I'm getting a kitten.