Friday, November 4, 2016

This is a small section of a piece I'm working on for a yearbook cover. It's a cover that is making me sad on several levels, and it's overwhelming me with the current modern reality of racism in school mascots. Considering everything that's going on in this county this week alone - violence against people of color, violence against women, Standing Rock - and we still have these emblems of institutionalized racism on a public school level. 
This school wanted an Indian Maiden on the cover, in a headdress. They sent reference for illustration style and coloring. And the theme is what's killing me most - "Through the Eyes of a Redskin."

The school wasn't interested in referencing any historical images of tribes that would have been native to that area - they just wanted a young face.
But I'm left questioning, how deep is this entrenched cultural racism that it's not only tolerated on a state and federal level, but in some ways celebrated? Should I assume that this is a case of an area where the school mascot has been the same for so long that the mindset is "my parents and grandparents did this and they're good people so it must be ok" or is there even that much thought put into it?

It's leaving a sour taste in my mouth.