Tuesday, May 29, 2012


I've been following the Pothole Gardener for awhile now, and have been in love with what he does from the first time I saw it. For me, love results in emulation, at least for awhile; so pothole gardening has been on my to-do list ever since.
Of course, the first this you need if you're going to garden a pothole is a pothole to garden in.

Which is exactly the homework I didn't do before buying plants for this project.
So I discovered that finding your pothole first is important not only so you know where you're working, but also so you know how much "stuff" to bring.

Despite Kansas City Missouri being riddled* with potholes, it took about an hour of searching to find one that might work. And truthfully, it was less of a pothole and more of a missing piece of concrete the curb where the grass meets the road. But still - it was a place.
Naturally I didn't bring nearly enough stuff.

 But it's still awfully cute. And I'll be curious to see how long it lasts - will someone run over it, will torrential rains wash it away, or might someone else add to it?
That would be super awesome (and also super unlikely).

Happy Tuesday!!!

*seriously riddled - they're everywhere. The roads are like Swiss Cheese, and the City's longstanding solution to the problem is to plop a steel plate over it, which is hell on tires.

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