Thursday, June 27, 2013

.about the Nike Studio Wrap.

please ignore my poor photography and pedicure
I was asked by quite a few other local dancers for my thoughts on these shoes - and they are complicated. I kind of love them, except I kind of hate them - here's what I mean:

The wrap itself it pretty fantastic - goes on fairly easily, and I do think the ribbon give some extra ankle support which I desperately need since my ankles turn so friggin often. The "elastic" or whatever it is around the "toe holes" is a little tight - uncomfortable after several hours but I don't think they're meant to be worn that long, and if they were any looser I don't think the wrap would stay in place, and the more I wear them the less the pinchy-ness bothers me. That being said - these are not meant for working on carpet. Sad story of my life - I originally picked up FootUndeez years ago for foot protection because my home practice space was carpet and quickly realized how unsuited they were for that surface. These have a similar problem - they have too much grip for dancing on carpet, they twist and get super uncomfortable (these however stay in one piece while the FootUndiez completely self destructed). Very much do not recommend for carpet.
I also really like the way they look - I just feel more like a dancer wearing them which makes practicing that much more awesome - except my home dance space is still carpet (for now), and then I get sad because I can't wear them.

The flat that comes with them however.....not so great. The flat is meant to be able to be worn over the wrap portion of the "shoe" (think quick escape shoes) and it is possible to get it on, but tricky, and the fit isn't great. It would seem that very little consideration was given to the wrap taking up extra inside of the show space. On top of that the show is just wierd. Very short in the toes - so it rubs on the top of my big toenail with is distracting, and I can't even wear them with the inserts they came with. On top of all of that the wrap itself is so grip-y that you sort of have to pry open the flalt to get your foot in so that you don't end up giving yourself a toe wedgie - which you're going to get after extended wear anyway. Or maybe like the wrap they were just meant to Stay In Place and not made for extended wear, or quick escapes from dance spaces which I am completely familiar with.
the "ARCH" part of the ribbon goes under your foot, by the way
Also the design is...bizarre. The rubber toe portion is at a completely weird angel to the rest of the shoe, almost giving a pigeon toed look despite any foot position you might be in.  Maybe for ballet or Barre that's supposed to mentally help with turn out? But still unattractive.
I am wearing the flat - but mostly just to pop out of the house to get the mail or whatever, and I'll probably use it for street performances and the Renaissance Faire once I find a way to effectively remove the logos.
I'm also looking for an alternative flat that I can wear in lieu of the Nike ones. Or I was, until I got used to the idea that they aren't made for long term wear. Plus I hate shoe shopping - not shoes, just shopping for them.

But yes, I love them.

I will gladly answer.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

.everything in my head is exploding.

Everything in my life has been completely and totally overwhelmed by Friday and Geektastic Raqs Boheme. So obviously everything has already gone On Hold until that's over.
Because my brain is full!

Until next week...

Saturday, June 15, 2013

.things that happened this week.

• That whole teaching out of a studio thing happened. It's awesome! Come down and check it out.

• I finally got a new phone. Hooray!

• Giveaway winners and new perfumes!

• MY BIRTHDAY! And some really unfortunate cupcakes:
Let's just say I learned a really important lesson about the importance of food 
coloring choices and paying attention to letter order. "Juniper Green" is not "Jupiter Green."
We're calling these "Magical Fairy Puke."

• Meanwhile the Nike Studio Wrap review is half finished. Yay!

• And don't forget that Geek-Tastic Raqs Bohéme is this coming Friday - seriously not to be missed! Plus all proceeds go the the National Center for Science Education. How is that not awesome?!?

Friday, June 14, 2013

SuperWhoLock Winners!

"Biting's excellent. It's like kissing. Only there's a winner."

 Three winner's as promised! You've been contacted - reply soon.
Shooting Stars Mag
and Cassandra!

And for the rest of you.....
I give you a coupon code! 30% off anything in my etsy shop (minimum order of 10$), and it's good through this weekend.
The Code is: BRADBURY

This image on the right tells you where to put it!
(Ok, that sounded not good. But you get my meaning).


Thursday, June 13, 2013

.new fragrances.

My goal was to finish the Sherlock scent and the Winchester scent this week. Not only did I meet that goal - I exceeded it, finished the Winchester companion scents, Charlie and Death.

Other than that I haven't gotten much of anything done...

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Class Information!

Tonight, and following Tuesdays.
1416 St. Louis Avenue, KCMO 64101

This multi-level class is intended for beginner and novice students wanting to further improve their posture, isolations, and layers. Students will learn the basics of tribal posture, isolations, fast & slow moves, steps & turns, short dance combinations, basic arms. Emphasis will be placed on technique, precision, and core strength.

Attire: Comfortable. Easy to move in pants or skirt, a comfortable top that will leave your arms free to move (no bare bellies required). Students wearing skirts may wish to wear pants or bicycle shorts underneath. Absolutely no jingly hip scarves.

Materials: Water, a Practice Journal, a yoga mat (a few extra will be available in class), zills (finger cymbals), and some kind of foot covers (ballet shoes or similiar).

Saturday, June 8, 2013

.things that happened this week.

• I launched a new Giveaway! If you haven't entered you should go here and do so.

• Classes! It's official (almost). Tuesdays at 6:30 here. Class information will be available very soon - but for now in short: multi level class (until there are enough people to warrant a second hour) bring dance shoes and a yoga mat and water. 10$

• I finished that mural!

• Paintings are in a "gallery" space. You can go see them (and buy them) here.

• These happened:

• And this happened:

Friday, June 7, 2013

.mural - finally finished.

Last fall I started a mural at a friends house. It took forever to finish - mostly a problem with meshing up both of our schedules when I could go over to work. He's happier than he thought he'd be with it - which is excellent!

5 feet by 10 feet - definitely the largest thing I've ever painted ever

And now having gone through he process once, I absolutely know what I'd do better/differently to make it all smoother/faster/more awesome next time.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

.boycott tuesday.

"There is nothing wrong with being an amateur or professional                          , but there is everything wrong about being an ignorant or sloppy                        ."

Monday, June 3, 2013

SuperWhoLock Giveaway!

Another Giveaway!!!
Originally this was going to be another Who-themed giveaway, but my birthday is in 11 days and I'd rather celebrate all of my fandoms at the same time. And your fandoms too!

What's the prize?
An awesome sampler pack with two Blue Box scents of your choice, and a third sample of one of two new scents that are currently brewing - either Sherlock or Winchester - again, your choice. Like the last giveaway, there will be three winners chosen at random and announced in a new blog post on June 14th.

(actual box may vary)
How do you enter?
Just comment on this blog post with your favorite Doctor Who, Sherlock Holmes (BBC) or Supernatural quote, along with your scent preferences (for a list of the Blue Box scents go to the etsy shop and read up).
EDITED TO ADD: Pick Two Blue Box Scents, and One of either Sherlock or Winchester. Or pick three Blue Box Scents - really it's up to you. Or if you want Sherlock AND Winchester and one Blue Box scent, that's ok too. Just let me know.

You can enter once! Also - US residents only. Sorry about that one, but international shipping is EXPENSIVE.
Also - you've got to enter by midnight on June 13th.
Three winners will be randomly chosen and announced here (meaning on this blog in a new entry) on the 14th. After an email, winners have 10 days to let me know where to send their smells! Non-responses will result in new winners getting picked.
Good luck!

Saturday, June 1, 2013

.things that happened this week.

• I may be teaching out of a performance arts studio in the very near future. Regular classes people!

• Maybe oh maybe there is a shop that might be hosting some of my paintings possibly...

• I solved an incredibly vexing jewelry creation problem. It only cost 100$ (and this is why we can't have nice things).

• New geektastic show things in the future - beyond Raqs Bohéme I mean.

• New perfume creation supplies arrived! ALL THE SMELLZ!!!

• Also, super awesome perfume feedback:

And now I am exhausted.
And have costumes to sew and dances to write!