Thursday, February 27, 2014

.throwback thursday.

Apparently this is a thing - posting old photos (or whatever) of yourself.

circa 2005 or 2006
I don't know.

And now back to my regularly scheduled hermitude...

Sunday, February 16, 2014

.things of recently.

• It was horribly cold out, and now it seems to be warming up - which means my sinus cavities will hopefully stop trying to claw their way out of my skull, and my nose may actually stop trying to bleed out.  TMI? Probably. I don't care. I'd use a Netti Pot but I'm afraid of the brain eating amoeba I keep hearing about.

• Dance Projects! I've been working lately with the lovely Azadeah on a duet we'll be performing in the near future.

• This Friday and Saturday I'm performing at Naughti Gras in St. Louis. Information is here. I can promise that one performance will involve me balancing a tumbler full of alcohol on my head - the other might be in that Slave Princess Leia costume. You have been informed.
Also there might be fire.

• I also managed to pull my Dance Head out of my proverbial Dance Ass and will not be quitting bellydance after all. You probably didn't know about that. But that's a whole other post.

• Solid lotion bars with the scent of "Colony" will very very soon be available on etsy in small and large sizes. Yay! They smell like what I imagine the inside of a beehive smells like - warm and sweet and a little earthy - Honeysuckle, Copaiba Basalm, and Blood Orange. And these bars are the only things that keep my skin moisturized nowadays.

• Shimmer Glitter lotion bars are in production...or experimentation. Whichever. Testing. Yes, that last one. They are being tested by unlicensed lotion testers.

• And a Lupercalia Sale! 20% off with coupon code :BLOODYHEARTS
Use it or it expires!

Now back to sewing.

Sunday, February 9, 2014


Mostly - more snow. So much snow. And my wrist is still messed up.
And snow.

Friday, February 7, 2014

.about yesterday.

Texts between my husband and good friend Michael Byers, who does morning announcement stuff on NPR, including the weather...
Used without anyone's permission, but he's my husband which make ownership half mine and if you really want to complain Mr. Byers you shouldn't have posted it on Facebook in the first place.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

.things that happened recently.

• Good classes. Thankyou students for being FANTASTIC!

• There is now a whole separate blog page which will soon replace the "Design" section of my website. It's easier to update, and easier to link to.  Zoom!

• Radium Girls Challenge! And if I win, the next challenge will be Night Vale. If I don't win, I'll be doing a Night Vale themed piece anyway.

• Did I mention Night Vale perfumes? I should have - Glow Cloud is already mixed, Carlos is next. Except they're not for sale.  You'd have to talk to the creators of Night Vale about them.

• Super awesome review - thankyou customer! You're getting a super special extra gift next time you order and you don't even know it yet!

• New Scent SNOW will soon be available for general purchase - very very very limited quantity here. This is the first scent from Perfume club - it smells like Snow! Cool and clean and a little sweet and pepperminty. And hint hint - next months scent is Moss.

• My schedule for February filled up fast - classes and shows and rehearsals and not even Raqs Bohéme to schedule around.

• And I sprained my wrist. I fell down in a parking lot. On ice I couldn't see.
Thanks Winter.