• It was horribly cold out, and now it seems to be warming up - which means my sinus cavities will hopefully stop trying to claw their way out of my skull, and my nose may actually stop trying to bleed out. TMI? Probably. I don't care. I'd use a Netti Pot but I'm afraid of the brain eating amoeba I keep hearing about.
• Dance Projects! I've been working lately with the lovely
Azadeah on a duet we'll be performing in the near future.
• This Friday and Saturday I'm performing at Naughti Gras in St. Louis.
Information is here. I can promise that one performance will involve me balancing a tumbler full of alcohol on my head - the other might be in that Slave Princess Leia costume. You have been informed.
Also there might be fire.
• I also managed to pull my Dance Head out of my proverbial Dance Ass and will not be quitting bellydance after all. You probably didn't know about that. But that's a whole other post.
• Solid lotion bars with the scent of "Colony" will very very soon be
available on etsy in small and large sizes. Yay! They smell like what I
imagine the inside of a beehive smells like - warm and sweet and a
little earthy - Honeysuckle, Copaiba Basalm, and Blood Orange. And these
bars are the only things that keep my skin moisturized nowadays.
• Shimmer Glitter lotion bars are in production...or experimentation. Whichever. Testing. Yes, that last one. They are being tested by unlicensed lotion testers.
• And a Lupercalia Sale! 20% off with coupon code :
Use it or it expires!
Now back to sewing.