Tuesday, August 21, 2012


I do a lot of layering in my costuming, and my goal is to do more. In part it's a product of my frugality (read: broke), and in part its a product of my clingyness and indecision. I really like being able to use the same piece for multiple costume combinations. I know a lot fo dancers who don't do this - there's a costume and it's that one costume and the parts for that costume are only for that costume.
Which is great - especially when it comes to packing costumes since everything will live on the same hanger and you can just grab it and go.
But I really like to mess about and play with my parts and pieces and find new ways to combine them.
Take, for example, my blue velvet hip scarf.
It was a gift from a friend and I wear it All the Time.
It's the fabulous-ness of basic color theory. Colors change depending on what you layer over them and put next to them. Lighting has a stark effect as well. 

This hip scarf is so worn out now that I have to put it on with a safety pin - note to those of you with velvet hips scarves, it might seem obvious, but don't put it in the washer no matter how stinky it gets. Hand washing is your friend.
I pick pieces like that up all the time - its sort of how I shop for everything.  Just keep a weather eye open because you never know what you're going to run across.

Of course, all of this layering and all of these separate pieces run a risk - that you're going to forget a part. I nearly almost always do.  I haven't found a good remedy for that yet, aside from not waiting until the last minute to pack.
Good luck.


  1. I love this post. One reason is because I study fashion a bit. Another reason is because you referenced color theory (LURVE). A third reason is because it's really neat to see how you work at costuming.

    On the topic of nearly always forgetting something, I have a recommendation and you might not want to hear it, but it stands a good chance of solving the problem. Make a checklist. I have a packing checklist I copied that I could send to you, but mine is more for general travel. In your case, the checklist would have ALL your dance costuming items. Blue scarf would be one entry. I don't know that it would make sense to include all your jewelry, but you could at least have an entry for bracelets, one for necklaces, one for bindis, etc. The point would not be to take all things on the checklist every time you traveled. The point would be to see all things you use on one sheet to help you remember what you have when you're making your last-minute packing decisions.

    I also recommend the book The Checklist Manifesto by Gawande. Fun, accessible, and it explores the science behind why checklists work.

    1. Thanks! and you are dead on about those lists....maybe a separate list for each costume combination....laminated. for posterity. and attached to the wall with a string....
