Sunday, September 1, 2013

.things that happened this week.

I refinished the floor in my dance studio (i.e. the scary basement). This involved ripping out all of the carpet and padding and putting anything else down over the sub flooring.
My husband doesn't even know yet (he comes home from Philly tomorrow).
And that's pretty much all I did.
(Yes, there were other things, like fixing the condensate pump on our HVAC, fixing the ceiling where the pump was leaking, repainting the kitchen floor, and usual things like laundry - but the dance studio was the big thing.)

Tomorrow I dance at the Not-Smoker at the KC Renaissance Festival.
Wish me luck because it's probably going to be awful.

1 comment:

  1. The floor looks GORGEOUS. Congratulations! NGL, yesterday was pretty horrible out there. Small, unenthusiastic audience. I'll let you know how today goes.
