Friday, November 9, 2012

.all the things.

I have become immersed in projects. The most recent? My Sketchbook Arrived!

This will be my third straight year participating in the Sketchbook Project - and possibly my last. There's something both cathartic and upsetting about sending months of work out into the ether, never to see it again.
Unless I go to Brooklyn, or the tour comes anywhere near Kansas City. Which seems unlikely.
I waited until the absolute last day to sign up, totally on the fence as to whether I was oging to do it at all. Naturally they've extended the signups until November 16th if you'd like to join me.
Meanwhile I need to figure out what to fill it with - I've gone themeless and can't decide if I want to plan and rebuild it or just approach it organically.
Big blank sketchbook. Intimidating.

And then I packaged up some perfumes. Since I seem to be making perfumes now. Doctor Who perfumes - because I wanted Petrichor and decided I needed to make it myself to make it just right. But mixing perfume is kind of like cracked out chemistry, and I need to practice for awhile before I attempt Petrichor for the third time (Attempt #1 became Idris, and Attempt #2 was a Disaster.)
Now to go and harass my perfume testers...
River Song, Doctor/Donna, and Idris

1 comment:

  1. Since you're working with chemistry with your perfume-making, maybe you could stick with it and do an alchemy and chemistry theme for your next sketchbook project?
