Thursday, November 22, 2012

and everyone wonders why I'm so tired all the time...

Some of the local dancers found out recently that I also do art/design work, and in response to a compliment on that I said "I do what I can with the tools in my box."
Part of that complimenty-someone's response was "just imagine what we could do if we had all the tools we desired!"
My response: "I think my head would explode."

Already there's the commercial art thing - 40+ hours a week slaving for the high school kids.
Then there's the "illustration" thing. And the freelance design thing - though admittedly most of the design work I do is for myself.
Then there's the dance thing - practicing, performing, teaching, repairing/creating costumes, self-promoting, and occasionally damage control.
There's also the jewelry making, which thankfully has kind of declined to not-really-alot lately.
But then there's this new perfume-making venture.
Also - being married, taking care of our house and our cat, and normal life stuff.
And sometimes I get to read books, and be a science groupee, and work on embroidery!
And play video games. Sometimes.
No more tools please. My box is quite full.

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