(In which I almost died.)
Several weeks ago my friend Ali and I bought groupons to a "Haunted Wine Tasting for 2" at
Belvoir Winery. We weren't really sure what a haunted wine tasting would entail, but it seemed like a good idea at the time.
Then we got emails notifying us of a time change - no longer was the Haunted Wine Tasting at 8pm; now it was at noon.
Which is kind of a crap time for a wine tasting. Or a haunted tour.
Nonetheless, Saturday we rounded up our fellas and headed out there.
Belvoir winery is on a beautiful old estate, none of which it seems is original to the grounds. But the vinyard is downhill from the cemetary, meaning the grape vines are fertilized by corpses, so at least the wine is haunted.
The first section, with the history of Belvoir was....ok. Presented by someone else it probably could have been fascinating. The wine was....varied. Some was good, some was sticky sweet. The Chardonel(25$/bottle), the Norton(25$/bottle), and the Casanova(18$/bottle) were quite nice - the others I only drank because they were already paid for. Mostly it was overpriced. (Excuse me, I'm an artist, and I'm cheap/generally broke. I can find perfectly wonderful bottles of wine for less than 10$ any day of the week). Also, there was a cheese plate that was somewhat less than impressive.
But the tour of the grounds was fantastic.
Especially the particularly falling apart building, with the "Bridge of Death", which Taj and I crossed illegally to figure out if that puffy thing down the hall was real or not.
Totally real.
After the tour we settled down - the boys wanted more wine, and it was a really nice day so long as you stayed to the shady areas. And any time you hang about on a porch drinking - other drunk people will congregate. And one thing leads to another.
And I got force-loved into almost-a-concussion.
I'm sure - watching from the outside, it was obvious what was going to happen.
New friend went to give me a hug. He stumbled. I stumbled.
Hug turned into falling tackle.
And my head got slammed against a cement door jam.
Kind of like this.
Except with less funny, and more pain.
I still have a lumpy head, and some truly spectacular bruises emerging on my left shoulder and thigh.
Our new "friends" evacuated pretty quick after that....and so did we once it was established that I wasn't bleeding or about to pass out.
The boys found a wonderful pizza place that I could eat at - and after I got watched for a few hours to make sure I wasn't going to slip into a coma and die, I was finally let to go home.
Where I promptly finished out my pint of
Glacé Fluer de Sel and passed out on the couch.
Suffice it to say - Sunday was spent playing video games from the safety of my couch.