Thursday, July 12, 2012

...and then I did something stupid.

Normally I'm really good about warming up every time I teach, practice or perform. It's my ritual, gets me into the right brain space for dancing or working on dance, and it's a very rare occasion that I skip this step. Last night I skipped the step.
And I was actually fine until my cat wandered in while I was in a half-crossed extended position on the floor with my foot in the air trying to balance a sword.
On my foot.
And I wobbled. Because I was distracted by the cat. And I'm pretty sure if I'd stretched like I should have I'd have been fine - as it stands there is something not good happening in what I think is my Rectus Femoris muscle - right about where the muscle attaches to ligament.
I can walk, and I can mostly dance - however level changes and floor work are completely out of the question until whatever this is stops being whatever this is. Which is mostly painful.
And it's not the good constructive kind of pain.

So unless I can modify my "Dream within a Dream" piece very quickly this afternoon, I'll be dancing to something else. Something familiar and comfortable that I've danced to a hundred times so I can pay a little more attention to my body, and let my body react to the music rather than relying so heavily on my brain.

Lesson of the week: STRETCH!


  1. On Tuesday, to demonstrate to some friends one of the few jumping techniques that we do in boxing, I did a jumping front kick. Fears were firing in my head about how I shouldn't be doing it without stretching, but thankfully nothing bad happened. I hope your leg heals quickly.

    1. Thanks! Me too. I hate getting old...
      Jumping front kick? Fancy!
