Thursday, August 4, 2011

Preliminary work for a little political cartoon my brain is too dead to deal with at this very moment. But later...
And in the realm of dead, I had a lovely little rant started in my brain about the purpose of art, and what I'd like the purpose of my art to will come. 

[EDIT - 10 minutes later]
Okay, I need to rephrase this, as I don't think "my brain is dead" really covers how my thinking parts feel at the moment.

My brain feels like it's been scrambled, and is leaking out of my eye sockets.
I spent 4 hours at work today making boxes, and it scrambled my brains. Like eggs. but not so delicious.

Alright, maybe as delicious, but I don't know as I've never eaten brains of any sort - but especially not human brains because that's how you get Mad Cow Disease (or so I hear). And my brains might be pretty delicious as brains go - filled with pretty colors and ink lines and music and dancing.
Or they might just taste like regular brains.
That have been scrambled.

It's not too dissimilar a feeling that I have after finishing an intensive illustration project - when emerging from that concentration into daylight and blinking alot. But, still.

So it might be martinis and french fries tonight.
And drawing.

Or possibly dancing, as I need to video the Dance Challenge pieces this weekend.
We. Will. See.

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