Thursday, August 25, 2011


I am currently not quite halfway finished with my third Sketchbook Project. It's a lovely exercise, a bit frustrating, challenging, and super satisfying when you realize how much progress you've made. You sign up, fork over money, they send you a book, and you have until January to get it back to them, filled with whatever; and then it goes on tour.

My first sketchbook was a bit of a disaster. I choose my theme poorly, let myself become completely flabbergasted by the thin paper in the book, and didn't actually finish it until June - a full 6 months after it was due.

My second sketchbook was also a bit of a disaster. I finished it in about two months - a full 10 months before it was due; once again with a poorly chosen theme and execution, and then sat on it for awhile, trying to decide whether I was going to actually submit it, or set it on fire.

 You see, the problem was that it got too personal. Way too personal.

Eventually I sucked it up and sent them both in.

My latest sketchbook is not a horrible disaster. I'm working on it at a slower pace. It's personal, but not nearly as dreadfully personal as number 2.
Theme: Under the Surface.
Title: once in a dream (for once I dreamed of you)


  1. It's looking so intricate and amazing. I love the cut-outs, frames and especially the theater page.

  2. Your sketchbook is looking great. Each page is so interesting. Looking forward to seeing more.
