Monday, August 1, 2011


When I left my house this morning for work - at horrible horrible 6:30am - there was a sleepy honey bee taking a snooze on the door frame. I was a little jealous, of his snoozing, and in awe that I could be so close to him without him rousing.

Decent enough weekend, for having gotten little enough done from my list of things to get done. Fortunately, costume repair was not necessary for my Saturday night shows, and the rest...sometimes naps are more important.

One very important lesson was learned - if you're doing a sword dance, don't plan on balancing the stupid thing on your chin if there's not proper temperature control. Meaning, don't do it if your face has been sweating at all - at best and if you're lucky, you'll end up with a chest balance instead. At're going to drop your lovely shiny sword on the floor and dent the sword, the floor, or both.

Best one-line comments of the night included a fellow, Egyptian I'm pretty sure, wanting to know how Egyptian my dancing would be. My reply - making a tiny 1/2 inch indication with my forefinger and thumb, pausing, then shaking my head no with a "Not really at all..." He was unimpressed, I'm fairly certain. Fortunately, he wasn't the one paying me, and the lovely lady who had hired me hadn't been interested in Egyptian.

At my second show, after my first set, another fellow came up to me, while I was having heat/breathe recovery just off stage, in awe, with "Thank you! I caught part of your spirit!" then jetting off in another direction. It threw me, especially with my current personal investigation into soul-dualism. Later he came up to me again, explaining his comment a little better, and apologizing for throwing me for a loop.

It's so weird - people reactions to my dancing. I've been questioning a lot lately the point a purpose of art at all. Is there a purpose? Is it worth pursuing? Am I, in any way or form making the world a better place by creating or performing art? And I don't have an answer to those questions yet. I do believe that a world devoid of art would be a hollow horrible place to live in - but is my art, specifically my art, really doing anybody any good? Am I inspiring anybody? Bringing hope or joy to dark places? Improving my world in any small way?

And how can I ever really know?

My sister is going to be a doctor, she's going to heal people. My father is a LifeFlight helicopter pilot, and in his way, helps save people as well, by getting them to critical care much faster than any ambulance could. My mother, aside from raising two humans, used to be a computer programmer, doing very important work for the government.
And I draw pretty pictures, and dance pretty dances.
It all seems out of balance - but maybe I just can't see the whole picture.

Saturday's third and final performance:

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