Wednesday, August 24, 2011


More often than not I find myself wishing for a new project, and scheming for ways I can further entertain/engage/busy myself. I like to keep busy. Idle hands/mind for me makes for the Crazy Place in my brains. I tend to multitask as well - I'm not just working on a project but also listening to an audiobook or podcast, or watching a TED talk or something on Netflix, while also scheming about dance, etc...

It makes my beau crazy - he likes to occupy himself with one thing at a time, intently and with purpose; and my flurry of "things" is very distracting for him.

Lately I've been on a "find projects" kick again lately, totally disregarding the plethora of projects I'm already working on; and fortunately before I added any to the list, my current list caught up with me, just in time to bring on feelings of being overwhelmed and overworked. And I'm happy about this. This is Good.

Current projects include:
  • Sketchbook Project the 3rd
  • FaeryCon costumes
  • Prepping for IrishFest
  • Coordinating the Bellydance Superstars Club Bellydance Kansas City Show
  • refinishing the downstairs bathroom
  • 3 Journal Swaps
  • Getting Back to Healthy (to be expanded upon later)
...and this doesn't include the normal things I just do, such as painting,  sketch booking (the regular kind), self-promoting (dance and visual art), and regular life stuff like cooking and cleaning and doing laundry.

We are busy, we artists, even though everything we do Glamours the appearance of being Recreational and Fun. I cannot speak for other artists; but while some of what I do can be therapeutic, it is rarely just Recreational, or fun. There's too much stress, too much pressure to make something fantastic. Fantastic isn't natural, it's exceptional. The amount of work I throw out or give away or recycle or gesso over is a bit embarrassing at times. But it's part of the process.

So I'm blissfully busy, in mind and body. Books arrive in the mail today, I have things to draw on and in, sewing to do, dancing to play with. And I might not return your phone call or email immediately, and that's ok. The world will not explode if I don't answer. Just leave a message and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

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